Flower Power Smash Cocktail Mix (V, GF)

Smashed and Macerated Late Harvest Stone Fruits, Rose Water, Purple Basil, and Basil Blossoms

(Vegan, Gluten Free)



Pour full bottle of Flower Power Smash Mix into a blender with 4 cups of ice. Add 4 shots of Bourbon OR Vodka OR Rum OR Tequila OR Mezcal, and blend until smooth. Keep stored in the freezer, or serve immediately. Enjoy!


Fill glass with ice. Add 2oz of Bourbon OR Vodka OR Run OR Tequila OR Mezcal. Add 6 oz of Flower Power Smash Mix. Add 1/2 can of club soda or La Croix. Enjoy!

Sale price
  • Regular price $101.00